Relate Macmillan Counselling Service

In partnership with Macmillan, Relate are offering free relationship counselling to anyone affected by or living with cancer. This will be offered from Relate centres in Birmingham and Wolverhampton.

Non-urgent advice:

Cancer and its treatment can have a big impact on your relationships with your partner, family, and on your sexual relationship too. Relate can help with issues such as:

– how to talk to your friends and family about what is happening to you
– changes and problems with relationships because one of you has cancer
– difficulties talking to and supporting each other
– problems talking to children, or parents and other relatives about cancer
– challenges in getting ‘back to normal’, as a couple or family, when cancer treatment has finished
– the impact on intimacy and sex life resulting from surgery, treatment, altered body image, tiredness or anxiety.

If you or a family member are living with or are recovering from cancer, or you are caring for someone with cancer, and would like to meet a counsellor you can ring Relate Birmingham directly on 0121 643 1638 and ask for the Macmillan service. You can also be referred by your cancer nurse, doctor or your GP.

For further information, relating to this service please here for their very detailed leaflet.